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Paparelli's Movie Reviews
Well, it's just, like... my opinion, man

Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul

Thursday, May 11, 2006

year: 2005
directed by: Faith Akin
written by: Faith Akin
notable cast: Alexander Hacke

Paparelli's rating: (0 = worst, **** = best)

'Crossing the Bridge' is a well-made, passionate and catching tribute to the musical cultures of Istanbul. As a documentary, it's refreshing to see it in the theatre. Particularly because this allows one to hear the music recordings played back on a professional sound system.

It's great to see so many open minded and artistic people busy with their passion. Alexander Hacke is setting an example for people how to approach their interest for art and culture.

The documentary does leave questions and a desire to know more about the artists that are portrayed and about the city of Istanbul, but that would also be part of the objective of the makers of this movie. Also, there is so much to see and hear in the movie that I'd love to see it again.

Of course in the movie itself there's not enough room to play all the music, so when I left the theatre I hoped there would be a CD of Hacke's recordings, and there is:

There is no more to say than to urge you to go see this wonderful documentary. If you love music and love to see people enjoying their passion for art, then this certainly is for you.


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